Illustrator of the Month - May 2010

I met Gina Triplett at Surtex this month. She was showing with an agency new to the show, and I noticed their booth because it looked very different than most booths. It was clear they were more of an illustration agency than a surface pattern agency (many of the agents work in textile prints) so their artwork stood out as singular art images.

The booth colours were striking and dramatic, and it was hard to look away. When I was drawn in and introduced to the artist, it was lucky that I so happened to want to see her book the most (because she was the only artist present).

 It made the conversation easy! Now that I am writing this post, I can't tell you much more about the artist from that short conversation, other than that I thought she was very sweet. Everything else I can tell you, I've learned from the internet.

Gina and her husband Matt Curtius live and work in Philadelphia, PA. They have shared a studio for over 10 years.

They have done work for lots of companies like IBM, Entertainment Weekly, New York Times, Target, Urban Outfitters...yes, the list is pretty incredible actually.

I wish I had asked the artist about her process. From the pictures I can find online, I think she paints in acrylic, but I am amazed by the look, because the way the strong black lines appear, I at first thought it must be woodcut or scratchboard or some sort of print. But I think after reading an interview, she must paint these. If you happen to know, feel free to comment!

My favourite has to be the work done for SmartWool socks though. Because, if you know me, you know how I feel about unusual socks. Weird socks. Printed, striped, polka dotted, fluffy...anything but those weird socks with toes, and I'm on them!

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