I've Moved

This is an old blog of mine, to which I have not posted consistently since 2015. You can find me posting more often over at www.jacquiesevers.com. I suppose I should retire it to the digital graveyard, but I can't bring myself to

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Father-Daughter Dance

I had a complicated relationship with my father at different phases of my life. I think most people do. But, in the past five years, it was much less complicated and he put a lot of energy into being there

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Executive Coaching

Here is a piece I wrote about working with Tanya Dubnicoff. Her executive coaching is a highly recommended experience.  http://www.tanyadubnicoff.com/executive-coaching

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Blog break

Image above is Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I snapped it in August of 2015 while on my honeymoon. I had big plans to blog about my trip to Mexico, my wedding, and a number of other great things that happened

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