
Dear blog friends,

Well, I know you are out there. How do I know? I'm clever, ok? Anyhow, having readers is not the primary motivation of this blog. I know that sounds crazy, but to explain what I mean would take more effort than it is worth and I assure you that post would be boring as all-heck.

So, with that said, it's handy to follow blogs. I'm a blog-reader as much as I'm a blog-writer - there is just something so delicious about user generated content. And I follow blogs because when I 'follow' blogger neatly organizes everything and tells me what's new out there.

I will say I hemmed and hawed quite a bit about adding the 'follow' box to my blog this time. I know that more people read than follow, but I thought having the box there might encourage more people to read if I did have a follow box.

Clearly, I've over-thunk this decision. Anyhow, I went with the follow box that you can now find in the sidebar. Won't you be my first follower? I'll love you forever.

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